Archive for February, 2015

Illuminati Illuminated

This year for New Year’s Eve we went to an “Illuminati” themed party.  I wanted to keep things simple and decide I would just wear my black suit and where some sort of “spooky” pocket square.  While searching for occult pocket squares I came across the Draper, an Instructable for building a glowing pocket square.  Not having the time to order parts (this was December 30th, after all) I decided to see what I could whip up on my own.  Between a battery pack powered strip of LEDs I had lying around, a quick trip to Jo-Ann’s fabrics and some clutch design skill from Deana I had everything I needed.  First, Deana designed me a couple of occult patterns to go under the cloth.

I printed them out on card stock and cut them out to fit my suit pocket (4″ x 6″).  I cut a piece of foam roughly a quarter inch thick and taped that to back of the card stock to help diffuse the LEDs.  Next I taped the LEDs along the back of the foam.  The last step was to cut out a square of white cloth and fold it around the top of the card stock cutout.  I had originally planned to fold the cloth nicely around the card stock and leave it at that, but I was having trouble fitting everything inside the pocket so I ended up just taping the cloth down.

The back of my light up pocket square

It’s not very pretty from this angle, but it got the job done.

Given how little time I had to throw this together I’m really pleased with how it turned out.

A close up of the pocket square

A close up, in the pocket



February 2015